Financial Fitness Quiz: 

  1. I have a written budget for spending/saving money.         T    or   F 
  1. I have personal investments and retirement accounts.     T    or   F 
  1. I have a will/ estate plan set up.                                           T    or   F 
  1. I have enough money to pay for emergency expenses.      T    or   F 
  1. I have manageable debt.                                                      T   or    F  

If all your answers are T (true); then this implies you are financially literate.  

If all your answers are F ( false) then, you are in the position to change that. 

If your answers are somewhere in between, then you’re on the right track! 

Financial literacy is one of the most underrated subjects, and this came to light at the start of an unexpected pandemic. With some people not being able to work, or still having to pay on debts, amongst other things. It became a realization that people we’re not financially prepared. Financial literacy is not complex. It is a simple understanding of how you manage, grow, and prepare yourself. So don’t cheat yourself from protecting and growing your finances! 

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